A Bayport medium term loan offers a larger cash loan that gives you more time to pay back the loan. A short term loan is ideal for smaller amounts, but a medium term loan allows you to repay a bigger amount over 18, 24, or 36 months.
This type of loan can help you to:
If you need to grow your business or make investments that will benefit your family, then this is the right solution for you.
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Who is eligible to apply for a loan?
As long as you are on Controller and Accountant General’s Departments or other government or private organisations that have partnered with Bayport, you are eligible to apply for a loan with us.
What do I need to get a loan?
It’s simple; all you need is a recent pay slip, any of your national ID’s, a bank statement that shows your income, and two (2) passport sized photographs.
Bayport interest rates appear too high.
There is a high incidence of over deduction.
Do I need collateral to get a Bayport loan?
You do not need any collateral for your loan. It’s unsecured.
What can I use my loan for?
We encourage our customers to borrow for the right reasons but you can use your loan for education fees and other income generating ventures.
I am not a civil servant nor is the company I work for approved by Bayport, how do I get a loan?
At the moment you would not get a loan. However, if your organisation has more than 100 employees, Bayport can enter an agreement with your employer to enable you and your colleagues to borrow from us.
How much of loan can I get?
Currently, you can borrow any amount up to GHC 15,000 as long as you meet our affordability criteria.
Is my salary enough to get a loan?
Any salary is enough for a loan as long as you pass our affordability criteria.
Which is your cheapest loan product?
The 60 month product is the cheapest product as you can spread your loan payments over 5 years. However, we offer 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 month loan products as well for shorter loan payments.
Can I pay my loan early if I want?
It is possible to pay your loan off early. Please call our Customer Service Department on 0302-770991 or our toll free on 0800-10016 (Vodafone only) for further details.
How long does it take for the loan to be disbursed?
You can get your loan instantly after the loan processing procedure at the branch or larger amounts are paid into your bank account within 24 hours.
I’ve heard there are delays in payment of loans into an account.
Delays in loan payments are usually due to documentation issues or provision of incomplete information.
Can my Bayport loan be used to pay off my other loans/debts?
Yes, for loan consolidation purposes, please call our Customer Service Department on 0302-770991 or our toll free number on 0800-10016 (Vodafone only).
Can I increase a current loan amount?
Yes, you can replace your current loan with a higher amount or take a second loan.
If my monthly deductions are more than what was agreed, what should I do?
It is uncommon for this to happen, but if it does, please inform your nearest Bayport branch immediately so as to fix the error.
How do I make a complaint?
Naturally, we pride ourselves on the quality of our service, and the products we offer. However, should you feel you need to make a complaint, please visit your nearest Bayport branch for assistance. Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Service Department on 0302-770991 or on our toll free number on 0800-10016 (Vodafone only)
The key to Bayport’s past success, and the foundation on which our future stands, is an instinctive, conviction-based, principled and entrepreneurial approach to everything we do.
This approach is reflected in our mission, vision, values and the nine philosophies we call “The Bayport Way”.
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Bayport Savings and Loans Ltd is a subsidiary of Bayport Management Ltd (registration number 54787 C1/GBL) (“BML”) which is a Public Limited Company incorporated in the Republic of Mauritius under section 299 of the Mauritius Companies Act.
BML’s Registered Office is situated at c/o Bellerive Corporate Management Services (Mauritius) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Ebene Skies, Rue De L’Institut, Ebene, Mauritius. BML is licensed and regulated by the Financial Services Commission of Mauritius.
No business can prosper if it measures success in financial terms only.
The same philosophy drives our community involvement as our business practices giving people the help they need to help themselves.
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Head Office Address:
Bayport Savings and Loans PLC
22 Nii Nortei Nyanchi Street,
Airport West, Accra, Ghana.
Private Mail Bag 248,
Accra North,
Accra Ghana.
Tel: (+233) 30 27 45 454
Fax (+233) 30 27 72 692
+233 030 7086 400
0800 110 124 (Vodafone Only)