As part of our ESG/CSR initiatives for the year, we visited Swedru Senior High School to engage the students in a career guidance and financial literacy workshop.
Akua Ampah, our resource person from the Virtual Career Office, took the students through the career guidance session. They were taught three essential elements to help them understand their personalities and connect with their life purpose. They learned the importance of connecting with their creator to understand their purpose on earth.
They were also encouraged to explore their innate skills and abilities to pursue their life’s purpose. Lastly, they were educated on how the can use their purpose to positively impact the community around them. The students were then asked to visualize their younger and older selves which fostered deep reflection and self-awareness. Our financial literacy anchor Desmond Adotey – a Bayporteer, also educated the students on savings, budgeting, and the importance of financial management.
Both sessions were engaging and saw the participation of about 1200 students.
Bayport presented a projector and screen to the school as part of our support to foster their learning conditions. We extend our gratitude to the management of the Swedru Senior High School, led by the headmistress – Madam Golda Esi Andam for giving us the opportunity to engage the students.
Bayport… Your Future Now!
#FinancialLiteracyWithBayport #BayportSavingsAndLoans #BayportCSR #BayportESG

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