Because of Bayport Savings and Loans, my dream of becoming a medical doctor is on course. Read more
I went to get a loan at Bayport Tarkwa and told them that my son had received admission into Legon, so I needed a loan for him and another loan for my daughter too.
The success of Douglas’s hostel has enabled him to pursue his dream of furthering his education and to ensure the well-being of his wife.
Anthony Oboh, who lives in the busy Shama Ahanta East Metropolitan area of Supomu-Dunkwa, is a man of many talents.
Doris is a bright young woman and upon finishing high school, she wanted to further her education, but financially, Nora could not afford it.
Binguri applied for and was granted a loan, and with the money, he bought a tract of land on which he eventually hopes to build a home.
The key to Bayport’s past success, and the foundation on which our future stands, is an instinctive, conviction-based, principled and entrepreneurial approach to everything we do.
This approach is reflected in our mission, vision, values and the nine philosophies we call “The Bayport Way”.
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Bayport Savings and Loans Ltd is a subsidiary of Bayport Management Ltd (registration number 54787 C1/GBL) (“BML”) which is a Public Limited Company incorporated in the Republic of Mauritius under section 299 of the Mauritius Companies Act.
BML’s Registered Office is situated at c/o Bellerive Corporate Management Services (Mauritius) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Ebene Skies, Rue De L’Institut, Ebene, Mauritius. BML is licensed and regulated by the Financial Services Commission of Mauritius.
No business can prosper if it measures success in financial terms only.
The same philosophy drives our community involvement as our business practices giving people the help they need to help themselves.
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Head Office Address:
Bayport Savings and Loans PLC
22 Nii Nortei Nyanchi Street,
Airport West, Accra, Ghana.
Private Mail Bag 248,
Accra North,
Accra Ghana.
Tel: (+233) 30 27 45 454
Fax (+233) 30 27 72 692
+233 030 7086 400
0800 110 124 (Vodafone Only)